4 Unusual Unity Ceremonies

Unity Ceremonies can be included in your wedding ceremony. They symbolize the couple’s separate lives becoming joined into one future life together. One of the most popular is the candle lighting ceremony , where the couple lights an individual candle then uses each separate candle  to light the center candle. It is a beautiful ceremony. Pinterest is a good source of information for Unity Ceremonies : https://www.pinterest.com/castlefarms/unity-ceremonies/?lp=true

I has been my privilege to help direct many  types of Unity Ceremonies. The Sand Ceremony  can include children from a previous relationship such as the sand ceremony. The couple as well as each child has a different color sand. They pour them together in a vase and realize the individual sands once joined can not be separated . It is a fun way to include children. This is from Vicky and Jessica wedding and including Jessica’s  3 children .

The Hand-fasting Ceremony is also known as  “Tying the Knot” . It is done by draping pieces of cord or cloth over each couples hands and arms , then the couple pulls the strands apart and it forms a knot. It symbolizes the couples’ devotion and connection to each other.   This was a very creative way for Andrea and Ian to say their vows to each other. The pebble ceremony includes the guests during a ceremony. Each guest holds a stone during the ceremony, making a wish for the couple and then drops it in the jar near the end of the ceremony. The couple may light a candle over the pebbles.  Kathryn and Rich chose this ceremony.

The Unity Painting is a really fun ceremony but can be a little messy. A blank canvas with an interlocking heart in  the center, made from masking tape, is placed on a table covered by white paper for spills. The couple and even the family can be included. Each person pours a tiny can across the top of the canvas ,letting the paint drip down. It makes an abstract painting. When you remove the masking tape, you are left with an interlocking heart in white in the center of the painting. Kendra and Matt decided on this fun unity ceremony.

Photo: Lindsay Aikman Photography

I would love to discuss ways to add an extra level of participation for you and your partner in your wedding. Get in touch to share your ideas for the ceremony!

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