Your Wedding! Your Way!

two brides, lgbtq wedding, wedding dresses, outdoor wedding
Benjamin-May Lewis House , two brides

Female Wedding Cermonies

The wedding ceremony is intended to show your love story to your family and friends. It is an expression of the love you have for one another and a way to share this with the people that are important to you. I always impress upon couples that it is their ceremony, it can be anything they want.

Learn more about the Ceremonies I offer my couples.

I find that couples like the structure of a traditional ceremony: opening words, the gathering of friends, declaration of support, marriage address, vows, exchange of rings, and the final words. This is true for weddings whether they are spiritual, secular or religious. I began officiating weddings in North Carolina when we changed the laws to allow LGBT couples to marry. I was upset with some of the NC government employees, who did not want to do their job and marry all couples. I had become an ordained minister to open an Energy Healing business. It allows you to console someone with a touch on the shoulder, hand etc. A friend saw that I had become ordained and asked me to marry him and his fiance. Thus I began this new career three years ago.

One of my favourite parts of a ceremony crafted the way the couple wanted was with Molly and Jordan. They both wore long white wedding dresses and both of them had their father give them away. This wedding took place in Farmville, NC, a small rural town at Benjamin May Lewis House. It was a pleasure to see the tradition being challenged and the full embracing of this change by guests and family.

lgbtq, wedding, two brides, barn wedding
LGBTQ Wedding- both fathers giving away brides

Sand Ceremonies Including Children


Another wedding with a different twist was Jessica and Vicky’s wedding in Clayton, NC at the Wagner House. The three children were included from a previous marriage, they all joined in a sand ceremony.

Five color sand ceremony, unity ceremony
Sand Ceremony with children
children in wedding, lgbtq wedding, two brides
Brides with children

Male Wedding Ceremony

Fred and Christopher wanted to be married at Pullen Park in Raleigh since it has been part of both of their lives for many years. The ceremony was performed under the gazebo on the lake, with the final vows taking place on the carousel with all of the guests riding with the wedding party.



Raleigh, NC, Pullen Park, Male Wedding
Male Wedding


Medieval Wedding

Look for an upcoming post on the Medieval Wedding I officiated.  This was one of the most unusual weddings that I have participated in.

castle wedding
Medieval Wedding

Feel free to contact me for any ideas to make your wedding unique to you and your partner.

4 thoughts on “Your Wedding! Your Way!

  1. Tonya Reply

    I love that you are truly listening and hearing what your customers vision is. Thank you for sharing this information.

  2. Amber Reply

    Ann you have the most amazing heart and loving soul! I am so grateful to have met you and you are such a blessing to all of your clients! I’m still convincing my best friend that all she needs is you to make her ceremony complete!

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