Grand Canyon
In December, Eric ( my fiance’) and I went to Arizona and were inundated with majestic views everywhere we looked. At times, I felt overwhelmed with emotion. The majesty of the Grand Canyon at sunset was breathtaking. We stayed for dinner and had the pleasure of seeing the stars over the Grand Canyon too. Boy, what a day! I have always been in love with trees and water but the desert has its own kind of magic. The photo seen here is from Antelope Canyon- you have to book a tour through the Navajo Indian Reservation Antelope Canyon
Since that time I have been busy officiating weddings most weekends. I am fortunate that the majority are outside in nature but it is not the same as taking time for yourself without any obligations to others.
This was truly a rejuvenating trip for our energy and soul. Gratitude comes easy when you are blessed with beauty all around you.
Barn at Blueberry Hill
I realized recently how much nature means to me. We had not been on a trip into nature by ourselves for 6 months. That is a long time for us. We travelled to Elkin, NC so I could officiate a wedding at l Barn at Blueberry Hill .
For more information about wedding officiant: Ann McKenzie
Elkin, NC
While in Elkin, we camped at the the the Byrd’s Branch Campground
This was our breakfast nook. After running the rehearsal and officiating the wedding, it was relaxing to come back to nature without any commitments. This was time well spent recharging our energy. Another bonus was a waterfall that we hiked to 1/2 mile away.
We came back to civilization on Sunday afternoon before our trip home to enjoy a trip to a local winery Jones and Von Drehle Winery
We got caught in an unexpected rainstorm. I can think of worse places to be stuck.
Thorndale Oaks, Oxford, NC
The following weekend I officiated a wedding at Thorndale Oaks in Oxford, NC
This is a beautiful venue an hour north of Cary . It was a wonderful wedding, but it was time to recharge again with nature. Eric and I traveled to Carolina Beach that evening and spent the next two days swimming in the ocean while staying with my childhood friend, Diane.
Spartanburg, SC
It seems after the lengthy dry spell of very little time in nature since December , we were at it again for the third weekend in a row travelling to Spartanburg, SC for Brenda, Eric’s stepmom’s 80th birthday party. We had the fun time staying at her daughter and son in laws’ pond house by ourselves. What a serene place after visiting with family and attending a very large party on Saturday night. Sometimes being around a lot of people can drain your energy. As much as I love socializing, I find the need time to myself in solitude or nature . It recharges my energy and brings me back to a firm foundation with my inner spirit.
We decided to have a little extra fun in Spartanburg exploring. We found a Rock Bottom Moonshine, where they make their own legal moonshine infused with fruit or charred wood( delicious and smooth)
As well as an authentic Cuban restaurant
Energy Boosting
Many of us can feel our energy drained after being around some people, as well as others who seem to give us energy. As I grow spiritually throughout my life, I realize that I have started focusing more of my time with my energy boosting friends. I love all my friends but you have to take care of your own spirit and limit your time with others who do not want to take responsibility for their own happiness. I am always willing to work with others who want to find more joy and happiness in life if they are willing to take the time and effort for this life-changing spiritual journey
It is a real commitment with desire coming from your soul, to find self-love and happiness in everything you do. It is a practice with daily steps , but well worth the reward to live a joy-filled life. Everyone can do, but not everyone is willing to make the change. Your heart and soul will thank you for it. Start by spending more time in nature- it is truly a way to recharge your energy.
Also, taking time to meditate or just quiet your thoughts for a few minutes, can bring peace to a hectic day. This is something I learned in my 30s and it has been the path I have followed since then. My life is filled with joy, and when I experience negativity in myself, I take time to think of everything I am grateful for. I also remember to talk kind to myself just as I would to my friends and loved ones. I wish you peace, love and joy in your life- you deserve all the happiness you can find!
Antelope Canyon is on my bucket list!! I’m so jealous. Glad you had a great time!!
It was fantastic although you do not get to stay long. You have to take a guided tour with the Indians and it is about 45 minutes. Be sure to go by Horseshoe Bend while you are there.